| 1. | The thick sunlight was lavish on the bright water . 灿烂的阳光倾泻在明亮的水面。 |
| 2. | An enormous amount of attention has been lavished on these problems . 在这些问题上,我们已经花费了大量的注意力。 |
| 3. | Linton lavished on her the kindest caresses and tried to cheer her by the fondest words . 林顿在她身上不惜施以最温柔的爱抚,而且用最亲昵的话想使她高兴。 |
| 4. | That would have been a decent return for the food and medical supplies america has lavished on this government for years . 如果那样,那倒也能算是对于美国这几年来慷慨赠予这个政府的大量粮食和药品的一种理所应该的报偿。 |
| 5. | All this skill lavished on my dear emilie 真是抬举了我亲爱的艾蜜丽 |
| 6. | The money lavished on the cars , homes and jewelry is now gone 那些挥霍在靓车、豪宅、珠宝上面的钱就像泼出去的水。 |
| 7. | But you need to live somewhere , so not all of your equity can be lavished on caviar and champagne 但你总得有地方住,因此无法将全部所得挥霍到鱼子酱和香槟上面。 |
| 8. | All that dark treasure to be lavished on the very man , to whom nothing else could so adequately pay the debt of vengeance 那珍藏着的一切隐私,竟然滥施给这样一个人,最最恰如其分地让他得偿复仇之夙债。 |
| 9. | How strange was the night that followed ! the whole of marguerite s life seemed to be concentrated in the kisses she lavished on me 这真是一个奇妙的夜晚,玛格丽特的生命几乎全部倾注在她给我的狂吻里面。 |
| 10. | Hindley lavished on her a torrent of scornful abuse , and bade her get to her room immediately , or she shouldn t cry for nothing 辛德雷向她冷嘲热讽,大骂一场,叫她立刻回她屋里去,要不然的话,就不该无缘无故地大哭! |